English Hand Sanitizer Antibacterial (250ml)
English Hand Sanitizer Antibacterial (250ml)
English Hand Sanitizer Antibacterial 250ML
It is the worlds best hand sanitiser, as used widely throughout. Easy to use and as safe on hands as regular soap and water. Alcohol Based Hand Gel, Proven To Kill 99.99% of most common germs that may be harmful.Specially formulated with added moisturisers to leave hands feeling soft and refreshed. Our Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer helps prevent the spread of germs in every place. It dries quickly with no rinsing required.
- Specially formulated with added moisturisers to leave hands feeling soft and refreshed.
- Our Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer helps prevent the spread of germs in every place.
- Dries quickly with no rinsing required.
- Ideal for desk top use.
- Easy to use pump top bottle.
- It is fragrance free.
- Gm/MI 250
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